I can’t view /read replies
Hi all,
Does anyone know why I have not been able to view replies to posts? I keep getting the 404 error page each time I click on a reply to a post, including replies to my own posts. It seems to be working intermittently, or am I the only one it’s happening to?
Posted in: Uncategorized
Everton Walker 6:22 pm on September 22, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
It’s fine with me. Have you tried other browsers?
ifeoma 7:44 pm on September 23, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Good thinking Everton, I will try other browsers. i use Chrome now, which I find more stable than IE or Firefox these days but I did find a work around which is going through “recent posts” link under “Home”.
Jim 6:49 pm on September 22, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Try clicking on your browser’s “refresh” button after the page loads. Perhaps that will help? Otherwise, be sure to try different browsers as Everton suggests… one of these should work: IE, Firefox or Chrome…
ifeoma 7:42 pm on September 23, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks Jim, I tried that but it didn’t work. going through, “recent posts” link under Home seems to do it for now.
mcquaid 4:24 am on September 23, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Mine was a little glitchy last night as well, but in a different way – posts would show up in duplicate, and when I would use the browser’s scroll bar, the page title at the top would have (NaN) repeating on both ends, more and more as I scrolled. Weird.
ifeoma 7:40 pm on September 23, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Well, I am glad, I am not the only who noticed. As a work around, I clicked on the “Recent Posts” link under “home” and selected the post I want and I can see the comments. I hope that helps for a while at least. In your case if you are using IE, you may want to shut it down and restart it.
David Vogt 5:42 pm on September 23, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
There have been some intermittent issues from different locations globally – if the symptoms persists take two aspirins and call the doctor in the morning. No, seriously, check with the weblog support folks – they’re pretty awesome usually, and get back to me if it isn’t resolved.
ifeoma 7:38 pm on September 23, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for your prompt response David. Some good advice there(made me laugh out loud). I found a way around it hopefully, by going through “Recent posts” link, I see the entire list of posts and clicked the one I want and I can see my replies. I will definitely contact the weblog support if this work around proves ineffective eventually.